Prior to joining primary school, children between the ages of three and five are admitted in Kindergarten. Our main objective is to cater for total development of each individual child including the physical, spiritual, social and mental growth.
Our Kindergarten School comprises of Play group & Reception.
Your child starts school in our Playgroup Class and later joining Reception. Here, we aim at developing aspects of the child in readiness for school years ahead. Each child is seen as an individual who is an important and valued member of our school. The care and attention we aim to give each child will allow them to develop socially and educationally in a safe and supportive environment. We hope you take this first important step as the start of partnership where the school and you will work together for the best interest of the children.
What your child will learn;
This being the foundation stage, it is for children aged three to five, and covers the years they spend from the beginning of pre-school to the end of reception class into primary school. This is recognized as a distinct stage of learning, when children learn best through active play which builds on their individual needs and interests.
The early learning goals set out the skills, understanding, knowledge and attitudes. An integral part of the Foundation Stage is play, both adult-led and child-initiated, indoors and outdoors, as this is a key way in which young children learn. Sometimes they will choose what they want to do. At other times they take part in activities which help them learn how to concentrate or develop a particular skill, like using scissors or gluing card.
Learning at the Kindergarten
Young children will have a wide range of different experiences, skills and interests when they join school at age three, four or five. They will meet a well planned and resourced curriculum to take their learning forward and to provide opportunities for all children to succeed in an atmosphere of care and feeling valued. The Foundation Stage prepares for all future learning by supporting, fostering, promoting and developing children. The Foundation Stage curriculum is organized into six areas of learning:
Communication, Language and Literacy
A child will learn to talk confidently and clearly in English, enjoying stories, songs and poems, hearing and saying sounds, and linking them to the alphabet. They will read and write some familiar words and learn to use a pencil.
Mathematical Development
A child will develop an understanding of Mathematics through stories, songs, games and imaginative play. They will become comfortable with numbers and with ideas such as 'heavier than' or 'bigger'. They will be aware of shapes and space and later work with simple calculations.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
A child will learn to be self-confident, take an interest in things, know what their own needs are, tell the difference between right and wrong, and be able to dress and undress.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
A child will explore and find out about the world around them, asking questions about it. They will build with different materials, know about everyday technology and learn what it is used for. They will find out about past events in their lives and their families' lives. They will find out about different cultures and beliefs.
Physical Development
A child will learn to move confidently, controlling their body and handling equipment.
Creative Development
A child will explore colours and shapes, trying out dance, making things, telling stories and making music. In this, our children shall take part in both drama and music competition including the poem recitation.