Although corporal punishment was abolished, this is still practiced in some schools. Children are spanked, forced to kneel with their hands up for a long time alongside other forms of punishment. The conditions in most of the schools is warranting i.e. the extraordinary average class sizes (more than 60 pupils per class); insufficient knowledge by the teachers to handle such populations, lack of enough facility and inadequate learning resources have led to poor performances in examinations. Subjects like music, arts & craft, art & design are no longer taught in most schools. Due to lack of sufficient facility, children have limited access to sporting activities.
Most schools operate from 08:00 to 18:00 o'clock during the week and from 8:00 - 12:00 o'clock on Saturdays. Thereafter they have a long way home and regularly they have to do homework until very late at night and without pause on weekends.
How can a child be still a child?
• Every child has a gift and talent, he/ she only need education to exploit them.
• A child needs an ideal environment for both learning and play.
• Every child should be treated as an individual hence imparting appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes that help him/her face life challenges confidently.
With all the above, we could not do much change to the situations, but we therefore laid a foundation stone for our own school towards the end of 2007.
Nice View School with Kindergarten
In September 2008, a new school, operating under the Nice View banner was commissioned, and in 2010 a further school building with 4 class rooms could be inaugurated.
The school is now designed to accommodate 200 pupils, meaning that, because the orphanage has only around 40 students, some 160 students can be admitted from outside.
We follow Kenyan Curriculum (8-4-4 education system) with modern teaching/learning pedagogy. Pupils are prepared for end of Class Examinations and later, at the end of eight year of primary education, the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (K.C.P.E.) is taken.
The objective is not to make profit; but rather accomplish a high standard, whereby the costs cannot be covered by moderate school fees. Therefore the school project depends on sponsors. Furthermore, we want to sponsor and admit even more children from poor families.
In the whole Msambweni district, as well as Kwale, our school is the sole school that also makes it possible for children from poorer families to receive a diverse school education.
School books are provided by us.
New facilities are the teacher's and the computer room.
Next to school subjects like English, Maths, Science, Kiswahili, German, Music, Creative Arts, Social Studies, Religous Education, Information and Communication Technology and Physical Education we identify, recognise and nurture our childrens’ talents. We therefore ensure that children participate in all available activities and in any activity the child is talented and interested in.
Furthermore, we have decided to serve all children a second breakfast as well as lunch. All children, even those from outside Nice View get if available clothes, shoes and school bags from us. These were originally received from Germany.