Leah's eye treatment


and partner in Kenya https://www.eagleeye.co.ke.

Dr. Gäckle responded immediately and even offered to treat Leah free of charge. We appreciate his help very much and can hardly find words of gratitude. Dr. Harald Gäckle is also a hobby musician and has already produced several songs with our children. 

Treatment has now started in Nairobi at the end of July 2021.

The disease explained by Dr Harald Gäckle: It is the disease keratoconus.

Occurs very frequently in Kenya, often caused by eye rubbing due to allergies. Therefore, children and adolescents should be advised not to rub their eyes constantly and should be given anti-allergic eye drops or a medication (e.g. Lorano akut) at an early stage in case of manifest allergy and eye itching.

We have carried out crosslinking on both sides, and after 6 months so-called ICL lenses are inserted to improve the vision.

We are thankful for the report that we received from Kenya.

Your team of Projekt Schwarz-Weiß e.V.