Welcome to our new homepage!

We tested the homepage. However, if there are still technical problems, please let us know.

We have integrated the school homepage and will update the content in course of time. This is necessary because a new school system is gradually being introduced in Kenya. In 2023 the Nice View School will still register the last 8th grade for the Kenyan Certificate of Primary Education. Hopefully the first 9th grade will successfully complete middle school in 2025.

Baby classes are no longer allowed in Kenya. That's why Nice View as of now offers a daycare. The Early Years Education from now on consists of 2 pre-primary years and 3 years of lower primary school. This is followed by the middle school, which consists of 3 years of upper primary school and 3 years of lower secondary school. It ends with 3 years of senior school.

We hope you like our new homepage and we would like to thank everyone who actively contributed to it.

Your team of Projekt Schwarz-Weiß