By Marcel Dürr:
Usually, a year passes by in a flash, but if you miss your family in Kenya and can't wait to hold them in your arms, it can be a very long time.
In the past 20 years, Nice View has become a very important part of the region. The project creates jobs, amends to the Msambweni medical infrastructure and offers Day Care. In addition, the Nice View Gratitude Academy gives many children in and around Msambweni the opportunity to receive an excellent school education - so far up to grade 6.
If we manage to finance the Junior Secondary Schule, many children will be able to complete 9 school years in Nice View. We hope for the best!
In spite of stony paths and obstacles that often seem unsurmountable in an African developing country, a vision became reality and the seeds sown years ago are starting to bear fruit. Many of the kids have grown up and stand on their own feet today, some contribute to the Nice View projects themselves and made the best out of their chance in life.
An indescribably beautiful experience!
Many thanks to everyone who helps make this vision come true. Asante Sana - Thank you - God bless you! We are glad to have someone like you by our side.
Anyone who wishes to visit the Nice View projects (60 km south of Mombasa) is welcome. We will be pleased to show you around and tell you more about our daily work.
If you want to stay near the Nice View projects, we can recommend the small holiday resort called Paradise Garden. The generated profit will be returned to the Nice View projects.
We look forward to meeting you!
Feel free to contact me for more information.
Kind regards from Roggenburg,
Marcel Dürr